
Baptism is the sacrament of salvation that makes the recipient a child of God.  Parents are required to attend a baptismal preparation class and a personal meeting with pastor.  Parents should prayerfully select godparent(s) and have them provide a “sponsor certificate” from their home parish. All baptisms are scheduled on an individual basis after parents have met with the pastor. Contact the Parish Office for more information.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is where our imperfect humanity encounters the mercy of God’s perfect Divinity and he restores our soul to its original baptismal innocence.  Reconciliation is offered regularly on Saturdays from 9:00am to 10am, Wednesday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm, and 20 minutes before the Saturday Vigil and each Mass on Sunday. Communal celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation with individual confessions are offered during the seasons of Advent and Lent. To schedule a private confession for a time that best fits your schedule, please contact one of the priests at the parish office.

Most Holy Eucharist

As Catholics, we believe that within the Most Holy Eucharist dwells the resurrected body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. At the age of reason (typically age 7), Baptized Catholics who have made their first confession and been sufficiently catechized are able to receive their first Holy Communion. Contact the Parish Office for more information.


Confirmation more perfectly binds the faithful to Jesus Christ and His Church. It enriches them with a special strength in the Holy Spirit so as to enable all of God's children to more boldly proclaim and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The baptized Catholic who has received their first Holy Communion and been sufficiently catechized may receive their confirmation (typically around the age of 14). Contact the Parish Office for more information.

Holy Matrimony

All love comes from God, and all love reflects the love that God has for His creation. The Sacrament of Marriage is, first and foremost, a sign and symbol of this love. Marriage is based on the free consent of the bride and groom and their will to give themselves to each other mutually and definitively to live a covenant of faithful and fruitful love. The marriage covenant between one man and one woman forms an intimate communion of life and love, which has been established by the Creator and raised to the level of a Sacrament by Christ the Redeemer. The married love of a husband and wife, through the Sacrament of Matrimony, reflects in the world the love of Christ for His bride the Church.

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony forms an intimate communion of life and love between one man and one woman.  This communion of persons has been established by God who is a communion of persons and who seeks to share that same communion with his creation Jesus Christ our Divine Redeemer, thus raising this relationship of love to the level of being a Sacrament. 

Scheduling Your Wedding at St. Jude

Preparation for this Sacrament begins with a meeting with one of the parish priests at least eight months prior to any marriage at St. Jude Catholic Church. In addition to pre-marital preparation at the parish, attendance at a Pre-Cana Conference (or Engaged Encounter) and Christian Sexuality Workshop are also required. For details on reserving St. Jude Catholic Church contact for more information.

Holy Orders

Priests are called to be the spiritual fathers and caretakers of the people of God. Priests do this primarily through the celebration of the sacraments that give new life and sustain the divine life of God within their souls.  The priest is a man of prayer who has been called by God and consecrated by a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands from the Bishop. If you want to explore the possibility of God calling you to be his priest, please contact one of the priests at the parish office.

Resources for Further Exploration

Diocese of Peoria Office of Vocations

Video Series from

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is for all who face a serious illness or surgery or who are impaired by old age. If you know you will be hospitalized for a planned surgery you should contact the parish before you enter the hospital to arrange a time celebrate the sacrament. Oftentimes the anointing can be celebrated after Mass by notifying a parish staff member.

For unplanned hospitalizations, contact the parish office as soon as possible – even if you do not anticipate the need for anointing. Our parish staff can help support you and your loved ones during this illness. Should a sudden crisis develop, hospital pastoral care staff can help contact the parish.

Call the Parish Office at 309-243-7811 any time of day or night.



  • Homebound Ministry

  • Caring Presence at the End of Life

  • Funeral Luncheon

  • Bereavement