“I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”
The Sacrament of Baptism is the basis for the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism, we are freed from original sin, and we are reborn as children of God. The Sacrament makes those who receive it members of Christ's mystical body, the Church. Those who are newly baptized receive a destiny to be coheirs with Christ of an imperishable and eternal Kingdom. The universal Church prays that through the life of faith and by God's grace, the one who receives this gift may bring that Christian dignity unstained by sin to the moment when God calls him or her from this world into the world that is to come.
Check List for Parents
Call parish office to register for baptismal preparation class.
Prayerfully select godparent(s).
Have godparent(s) provide St. Jude Catholic Church with a “sponsor certificate” from their home parish.
Attend baptismal preparation class, which is held 1st Saturday once a month.
All baptisms are scheduled at the meeting with the Pastor.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a baptismal preparation class, can’t we just show up and have our child baptized?
Baptism is a major event and thus careful preparation is needed. Baptism places serious responsibilities and demands upon parents and godparents. You have a right to know about these responsibilities and the baptismal preparation program will provide you with the answers.
Why should we schedule the baptism preparation class prior to the birth of our first child?
If possible, attendance and participation in the baptism preparation class should happen before the birth of your first child. By having this class completed, it allows parents to have their child baptized as closely after birth as practical.
When and where is the baptismal program?
The baptismal preparation program held once per month on a Saturday from 9:15am to 10:30am. Call the parish office to get the dates for the next class.
What can we expect to learn from the baptismal preparation program? Parents (and godparents if they attend) will be given practical guidance in introducing their small children into our Catholic Faith as well as discussing the lifelong commitments of Christian parenting. You will also learn about the elements of baptism, as well as the ritual, signs, and symbols of the sacrament.
Do both parents have to attend the program?
No, only one parent must attend, but it is highly encouraged that both do.
Do the godparents have to attend the program?
No, but they are invited and encouraged to participate throughout the entire process.
Can other family members or friends attend?
Yes. The entire family and significant friends of your family are welcomed to attend and participate.
What are the requirements to be a godparent?
According to Church Law, it is only necessary that one godparent be chosen for you child. If, however, you choose to have two godparents, one must be male, and one must be female.
A godparent must...
• Be a baptized Catholic
• Be a least 16 years of age
• Have already received First Eucharist
• Have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
What documentation is needed to be a godparent?
The godparent should be a practicing Catholic in good standing. Godparents are asked to provide a sponsor certificate from their parish indicating their eligibility to act as a godparent. The godparent can have their parish send the certificate directly to St. Jude Catholic Church. Parents should make certain that the person being considered to be a godparent meets the above conditions before asking them. The role of the godparent presumes a significant influence in the future life of the child. It is fitting that this person may eventually be chosen for Confirmation sponsor.
Can I involve other family members who may not be Catholic?
A baptized non‐Catholic may stand as a witness with one or two Catholic godparents. A parent cannot be the godparent for his or her child.
Do godparents need to be married to each other?
No, this is a common misconception. However, it is common that they can be.
What do we need to do after we participate in the preparation class?
Simply call the parish office to schedule your child’s baptism.
When is the sacrament of baptism celebrated at St. Jude Catholic Church?
Baptisms can generally be celebrated any weekend, normally after the Saturday 4:30pm and Sunday 11:30am Mass. Call the parish office to schedule.
How much does a baptism cost these days?
The Church does not charge for sacraments so there is no fee. Expenses for baptismal candles, garments, etc., are covered by the parish, so your weekly support of the collection is crucial and greatly appreciated.