Shared Mission at St. Jude

We answer the call to make disciples who know, love, and serve Christ.

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The Bereavement Ministry offers prayers for you and your family, listening from the heart, kindness, love and compassion, a memorial Mass celebrated on All Souls Day (November 2) in remembrance of the deceased, and resources including reading material on grief and local support group information.  Sympathy cards are included in a gift bag given to the next of kin at the visitation. Thinking of you cards are sent the first month, third month and sixth month following  a death.

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Caring Presence at End of Life

Caring Presence is a visiting ministry which enhances services and support to the terminally ill and their loved ones during the final days of life. This ministry does not replace hospice, but rather enhances the hospice experience by providing spiritual support in the home, nursing home, hospital - wherever, when ever needed.

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Funeral Luncheons

St. Jude Parish is able to offer funeral luncheons for the families of our deceased thanks to the generous support of our volunteers. Many hands are needed to provide food, serve the meal, and prepare the Social Hall before and clean up afterwards.


Garden Ministry

The St. Jude Garden Ministry plans, plants, and maintains the church's landscaped areas. We enhance God's property with beautiful plantings so all who enter our church are greeted with a little of the splendor of God's green earth.

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Respect for life

Do you have a heart for our most vulnerable, our unborn? The St. Jude Respect for Life Committee is a wonderful place to volunteer. Informed about current pro-life diocese functions, our Respect Life volunteers help spread the word to our Parish about upcoming pro-life events and ways to attend, support, and share these great events. We also help spread the pro-life message with the parish and community through our family rosary, fundraising activities, scholarship for a Rachel's Vineyard participant and participating in community activities such as the 40 Days for Life campaign.

We invite you to join our Respect for Life group.  Please contact the parish office to get in touch with the group's coordinator.


St. Vincent De Paul Society (SVDP)

Each week the St. Vincent de Paul Society receives calls from many local individuals and families in need. We respond to those calls by visiting their homes in teams of two. A personal visit allows us to understand their situation more fully and to determine the best way to help. Through the generosity of many parishioners, we are able to help hundreds of struggling families each year, and we have the opportunity to share Christ's love with them. Families are always appreciative when we bring them food and household items, and we frequently are able to pay a portion of their rent, Ameren, or another need.

Rosary Guild

The rosary is a powerful devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary, which brings us closer to Jesus. St. Jude's Rosary Guild is looking for rosary makers to help us further our ministry of providing rosaries to our parish students, local hospitals, members of the armed forces, and missionaries throughout the world. You do not have to attend any meetings to be a rosary maker.

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Visiting the Sick and Homebound

Members of this ministry bring Holy Communion to the homebound whether they are in their home, healthcare facility, or a hospital environment. Members also make social visits, provide respite care for caregivers, support with phone calls, send greetings by mail, provide meals, transportation, and the newest ministry - entertain the homebound by singing!  We meet in the Old Social Hall after the 8:30am Mass on the last Monday of the month.

Altar Servers / Ministry Schedule

Any 5th to 12th grader interested in serving Holy Mass is encouraged to contact the parish office.

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Other Shared Mission Areas

Get involved with other Shared Mission areas such as Catholic Charities Giving Tree, Leaven, Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, or Marriage Annulment Advocacy.