Events Around the Parish
Stay up to date by following us on social media or check out the parish calendar!
Fr. Bolek's Message on Advent
The Tech Ministry has asked Fr. Bolek to share some comments on Advent: Fr. Bolek, you keep talking about treating Advent like Advent and not like Christmas. Well, tell me, how do I have a good Advent season?
The Tech Ministry has asked Fr. Bolek to share some comments on Advent.
Fr. Bolek, you keep talking about treating Advent like Advent and not like Christmas. Well, tell me, how do I have a good Advent season?
That’s a great question! To begin, Advent is two‐fold. It is about preparing for Christmas, but
that does not technically start until December 17th. The first part of Advent, December 3rd to December 16th, is not about Jesus coming as a child in Bethlehem, but Jesus coming at the end of time as the Judge of the World.
We are called to prepare a way for the Lord in our hearts and be ready for his final coming when He will judge the living and the dead. Are you ready to meet God? Are you ready for the Final Judgment? Are you prepared to meet your maker? Have you helped others get ready for the Lord’s coming? How about your family, siblings, friends, co‐workers?
These are great reflection questions for the Advent season.
The two things I would encourage most would be the Eucharist and Confession. Spend more
time receiving and adoring the Eucharist and get to Confession more often:
- There are ample times to get to Confession; all you need to do is commit and show up. Use a good examination of conscience to prepare and give all your sins to the Lord. Jesus loves you and wants you home with Him - be not afraid. Confession exists for one reason, to help you!
- If Advent is about preparing for Jesus, then spend more and more time with Him in the Eucharist. We know He is there, so why not spend time with Him. In a season where there seems to be no time at all, spend your best time with Him, in a certain sense, waste time with Him!
Here are practical things to consider
- Strive to attend daily Mass more than usual - put the day and time of Daily Mass in your calendar!
- Get to confession ‐ schedule when you are going to go right now!
- Read the Daily Mass readings, even if you cannot attend Daily Mass.
- Spend time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Monday 9:00am to 9:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am to 9:00pm, Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm).
- Postpone decorating for Christmas as long as you can, and then celebrate Christmas for its entirety by keeping your decorations up until January 11 (the baptism of the Lord) or February 2 (The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple).
- Have an advent wreath and use it daily for prayer.
- Be sure to leave the Jesus figurine out of your Nativity Scene until Christmas Eve.
- Spend more time in silence - consider turning off the radio in the car, the television, iPhone, etc.
- Pray a Daily Rosary and reflect upon the Joyful Mysteries.
- Allow the Feasts and Dates of Advent to influence your daily life.
- It’s too late this year, but next year consider celebrating St. Nicholas’ Feast Day - December 6.
- Be sure to attend Holy Mass on December 7th or 8th ‐ The Immaculate Conception.
- Honor Juan Diego on December 9th and our Lady of Guadalupe ‐ December 12th.
- Wear rose to Mass on December 16/17 for Gaudete Sunday.
- Look for opportunities to make the season about Jesus and not about gifts, food, and obligations.
- Give to the poor more than you give to your own family.
[Updated with Video] Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck on Advent
Coming December 19th, join us for our Advent speaker Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck.
Updated with link to the video recording of Fr. Chase's Advent talk! See below.
Coming December 19th, join us for our Advent speaker Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck.
Father Chase is a former professional soccer player and league MVP who has given his life to Christ and his Church in the Priesthood. He now serves as assistant chaplain at the St. John Catholic Newman Center at the University of Illinois. Father will speak to us on preparing our hearts for Christ this Advent.
The talk will begin at 7 pm.
Many thanks to Lagron-Miller, our Technology Ministry sponsor, for their support of technology at St. jude!
Lagron-Miller Wishes You a Happy Advent
The Technology Ministry is excited have to local business Lagron-Miller on our team! David from Lagron-Miller would like to say Happy Advent (and Merry Christmas when it's time). See the video below for a message from David and have a look around their store.
The Technology Ministry is EXCITED have to local business Lagron-Miller on our team! David from Lagron-Miller would like to say Happy Advent (and Merry Christmas when it's time).
See the video below for a message from David and have a look around their store. They have everything Catholic you'd ever need!
Sponsorship provided by Lagron-Miller for the Technology Ministry helps bring St. Jude's parishioners closer to Christ through web, social media, live streaming of Mass, and other tools.
Did you know that St. Jude live streams and records Mass daily? If you want to hear a great homily again, or you're sick or homebound, check out the St. Jude Catholic Church's YouTube channel.
If you are a local business and are interested in sponsoring the Technology Ministry, please contact us.
Your shopping at Amazon can benefit the school!
Did you know that the regular shopping you do at Amazon can earn cash for St. Jude Catholic School?
Did you know that the regular shopping you do at Amazon can earn cash for St. Jude Catholic School?
It's really easy to do. Follow the instructions below...
As a participating charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to St. Jude Catholic School. On your first visit to Amazon Smile (, you’ll be prompted to select a charitable organization. You can change your selection at any time. The entire shopping experience is the same and most products available on are available at Amazon Smile. Register as follows:
- Sign in and enter St. Jude Catholic Church and School as your charity.
- Begin shopping! Once you’ve selected your charity everything else functions the same. No extra cost is passed onto you, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to St. Jude.
- Remember to always start your Amazon shopping at
If you are already set up with another charity and wish to change to St. Jude, here’s how. At the top of the page your current charity will be listed. Click on it, and then select “change” and enter St. Jude Catholic Church and School. For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to
Join the St. Jude Mom's Group-Make & Take Craft (RSVP requested)
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
St. Jude Mom's Group
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
Make each first Wednesday a monthly morning retreat – join us for daily mass at 8:30am
and stay for the Mom’s Group speaker & discussion from 9:15 to 11:00am. What a great way to treat yourself and grow in faith! The group meets in the Old Social Hall. These mornings are a chance for moms to come together for fellowship, faith enrichment, and fun!
There is optional childcare. See the brochure for details and more information.
The December 6, 2017 session has a Make & Take craft.
Come join the mom’s group for a fun "make and take" craft that you can take home with you the same day. Enjoy a prearranged craft making while sharing in great fellowship as we prepare for Christmas. Please RSVP to St Jude Mom's Group at to ensure there is enough supplies for everyone.
For more information, click here for the brochure or email
Pancake Breakfast with Santa
It's Saturday, December 2 in Hettinger Hall from 8:00am to 11:00am. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, St. Clement Council.
Bring the kids for a delicious pancake breakfast with Santa!
It's Saturday, December 2 in Hettinger Hall from 8:00am to 11:00am. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, St. Clement Council.
Advent Potluck Dinner
Join us at St. Jude for an Advent Potluck Dinner. We're having a potluck dinner on Saturday, December 3rd at 5:00pm in Hettinger Hall. Meat and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. Sign up at the Connections Center to help prepare/plan for the meal.
Join us at St. Jude for an Advent Potluck Dinner
We're having a potluck dinner on Saturday, December 3rd at 5:00pm in Hettinger Hall.
Meat and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share. Sign up at the Connections Center to help prepare/plan for the meal.
Monday Adorers Needed
St. Jude is adding Monday Adoration!Monday Adoration begins on December 4th at St. Jude. We are in need of a second adorer at 1:00pm, 3:00pm, and 4:00pm.
St. Jude is adding Monday Adoration!
Monday Adoration begins on December 4th at St. Jude. We are in need of a second adorer at 1:00pm, 3:00pm, and 4:00pm.
Of course, you can spend time with the Lord anytime, regardless of committing to an hour each week. Contact Maria Marstall at for details or if you have questions.
For more information, click here.
So what is Adoration?
At St. Jude, Eucharistic Adoration with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place each Wednesday starting after the 8:30am Mass until 9:00pm, and Friday starting after the 8:30am Mass unil 5:00pm that evening (and now Mondays too). Benediction starts at approximately 4:50pm. Please come by for a visit with our Lord. Spend a few minutes, an hour, or whatever your schedule allows at the time.
What is the importance of Eucharistic adoration?
Eucharistic adoration is the respect and worship we give to Jesus, who is truly present to us under the appearance of bread and wine. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure; by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace. As St. Alphonsus Liguori noted, “Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.” [CCC 1418]
Trivia Night Was a Blast
Trivia Night was a blast and everyone had a great time.
Special thanks to Matt and Kristi Ryan for coordinating, and also Chase Lisenby for the great questions!
Trivia Night was a blast and everyone had a great time.
Special thanks to Matt and Kristi Ryan for coordinating, and also Chase Lisenby for the great questions! Be sure to attend the next one.
Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age
Please join us for this exciting, very important Parent Education Night! "Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age" will be showing here at St. Jude Hettinger Hall on Wednesday, November 29, 7-8:30 PM.
Please join us for this exciting, very important Parent Education Night! "Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age" will be showing here at St. Jude Hettinger Hall on Wednesday, November 29, 7:00 to 8:30pm.
Don't miss this national, "must see" for anyone with children of ALL ages.
Get tickets/RSVP via
Click here for the event flyer.
St. Jude Catholic Schools encourages ALL parents to attend this film, whether you have preschool, grade school, or middle/high school children. We want to support you in your role as first teacher of your children!
Know that 10 of our area Catholic Schools will also be hosting the film, so more info coming soon with those dates, just in case you are not able to attend November 29 at St. Jude.
Finally, Grades 5-8 SJCS students will be viewing and discussing the 'student version' of Screenagers on November 29, but you are most welcome to attend the Parent night with your child (ages 10+ only).
Watch for more info and details in the coming weeks! For now, 2 easy steps:
1. RSVP and DETAILS here:
2. Free babysitting for all St. Jude CCD & School Families: RSVP here
Thank you for all your loving support and sharing your children with us!
Help our American Heritage Girls Honor our Fallen Veterans
This weekend, our own American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop will be selling wreaths after each mass to support Wreaths Across America.
The wreaths will be used to decorate the graves of fallen veterans in our local community. Please stop by the AHG table this weekend and support our girls in their effort to honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. You can also learn more about donating, volunteering, or the wreath laying ceremony at: or learn more about Wreaths Across America at
Operation Christmas Child
Each shoebox brings joy, hope, and smiles to a child whose life has been haunted by poverty, disaster, disease, or war. More than that, each box brings the true meaning of Christmas - God's gift to mankind
Pack those shoeboxes and get involved with Operation Christmas Child. Bring some joy to a less fortunate child!
Each shoebox brings joy, hope, and smiles to a child whose life has been haunted by poverty, disaster, disease, or war. More than that, each box brings the true meaning of Christmas - God's gift to mankind: the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to share the joy of giving with our children or grandchildren. Take them shopping! Take all the materials you may need from the Operation Christmas Child table in the Gathering Area. And don't forget the changes that are new this year: no candy or toothpaste and shipping fee is now $9.
Please return boxes to the Operation Christmas Child table at any time before 10:00am on November 20. Thanks for your help!
Click here for additional details on this program.
Join the St. Jude Mom's Group-Guest Speaker Chantel Howard
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
St. Jude Mom's Group
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
Make each first Wednesday a monthly morning retreat – join us for daily mass at 8:30am
and stay for the Mom’s Group speaker & discussion from 9:15 to 11:00am. What a great way to treat yourself and grow in faith! The group meets in the Old Social Hall. These mornings are a chance for moms to come together for fellowship, faith enrichment, and fun!
There is optional childcare. See the brochure for details and more information.
The November 1, 2017 guest speaker is Chantel Howard.
Interested in knowing what’s all the talk about regarding Essential Oils but don’t want to feel the pressure to buy them. Join the mom’s group as Chantel from Terra Essential Oils, a consultant, does an informational session on the benefits of essential oils and why essential oils are one of the beautiful modalities for natural health and wellness.
For more information, click here for the brochure or email
Priesthood Sunday
Our Vocations Promoter Team has asked you to leave comments inside about our great priest or any meaningful memories you have. Click to leave comments.
It's Preisthood Sunday on Sunday, October 29th.
What happens on Priesthood Sunday?
The lay faithful of all parishes in the United States develop their own special way of marking the day and honoring their parish priests both at Mass and other parish events, such as social celebrations and school activities.
Our Vocations Promoter Team has asked you to leave comments below about our great priest or any meaningful memories you have.
Leave your comments below!
Special thanks to our tech ministry sponsor Lagron-Miller!
Ministry Fair 2017
Great video from the Ministry Fair.
The kids had a great time at the Ministry Fair over the weekend.
The Ministry Fair had lots of great activities and crafts for the kids - it was a good time. Check out the video of the juggler!
These Bottles Needs Your Change
Be sure sure to also get involved in 40 Days of Life. It's almost over this year, but there is still time to pray outside the abortion clinic in the public-right-of-way (sidewalk). There will also be a Victory Celebration on November 5 at 3:00pm at the vigil site which is the parking lot of the Women's Care Center.
All these baby bottles need your spare change (or dollars). This money goes to the Women's Care Center here in Peoria.
Here's some info from the Women's Care Center...
Women’s Care Center in Peoria serves women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. We provide pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, counseling, Birth Prep and parenting classes. All of our services are FREE and completely confidential. We also offer post abortion counseling for anyone struggling with a past abortion. If you, or anyone you know, needs our services, please call (309) 689-0200. Our caring and compassionate counselors are ready to welcome and assist you.
For more information, visit
Get involved...
Be sure sure to also get involved in 40 Days of Life. It's almost over this year, but there is still time to pray outside the abortion clinic in the public-right-of-way (sidewalk). There will also be a Victory Celebration on November 5 at 3:00pm at the vigil site which is the parking lot of the Women's Care Center.
St. Jude is going LIVE this weekend
Our streaming schedule going forward will be the 9:00am Mass on Sundays and the 8:30am Mass daily (Monday through Saturday). This service is being offered for the sick, homebound, or those that want to check out a really great homily again.
Watch Mass Live!
We are still in “beta” mode as Fr. Henehan and Fr. Bolek learn the ropes on how to stream, so this weekend we’ll give them extra practice – they just received their training today. We will be streaming the 4:30pm Mass today, as well as the 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:30am Mass tomorrow on Sunday, October 22.
Click here to access our YouTube channel and view live and recorded video.
Special thanks to the Technology Ministry sponsor Lagron-Miller for their support!
Our Scheduling Going Forward...
Our schedule going forward will be the 9:00am Mass on Sundays and the 8:30am Mass daily (Monday through Saturday). This service is being offered for the sick, homebound, or those that want to check out a really great homily again.
Don't forget to subscribe...
Be sure to subscribe to the St. Jude Catholic Church YouTube channel. This will make our videos show up your YouTube feed and make them easier to watch on your computer or Smart TV, and you can also set notifications on your phone or tablet, depending on your settings, so that you get a message when we go LIVE.
Even Fr. Bolek got in there and helped pull cables to help make live streaming happen!
St. Jude Ministry Fair
This year promises to be a lot of fun. Expect lots of balloons, popcorn, cotton candy, and a balloon artist. Each of our Parish's ministries, organizations, and programs will be there to make themselves available to you.
Be sure to attend the Ministry Fair on Saturday, October 21st after the 4:30pm Mass, or on Sunday, October 22nd from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
This year promises to be a lot of fun. Expect lots of balloons, popcorn, cotton candy, and a balloon artist. Each of our Parish's ministries, organizations, and programs will be there to make themselves available to you. They'll tell you how you can share your time and talents with others in the parish and the community. In addition, this week’s bulletin will feature all of our ministries and organizations.
Visit as many tables as you can, not only for the fun treats and surprises, but also to get your bingo card stamped so you could enter raffles to win prizes that will get you either two free tickets to our school Gala in February or a $100 credit to any silent auction item offered at the Gala.
LOTW Retreat (with Promo Video)
Come experience the Light of the World Retreat at St. Jude Parish. Click for details.
Light of the World Retreat
Come experience the Light of the World Retreat at St. Jude Parish for a few days of encountering our Lord and diving deeper into our walk with Christ together. The Retreat will be held in Hettinger Hall, November 10th-13th. Please email Drew Isbell at with further questions.
Retreat times are:
- Friday 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Saturday 8:00am to 8:00pm
- Sunday 8:00am to 8:00pm
- Monday 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Click here for the LOTW website.
Updated: See the testimonial / promo video from your fellow parishioners. They will tell you how powerful this retreat is!
St. Jude is Going Live
St. Jude will begin live streaming Mass! Click for details on how to watch.
St. Jude will begin live streaming Mass!
The Technology Ministry at St. Jude Catholic Church is excited to share we'll be live streaming Mass. This will be a service provided for the sick and home bound who are not able to attend Catholic Mass in person.
The first Mass we try this with will be on Sunday, October 15th at 9:00am. It's a bit of a test, so allow us to work out any bugs we may find.
Here's how to watch the Mass:
Visit the St. Jude Catholic Church YouTube channel on Sunday, October 15th. The live video feed will start there about 5-minutes before Mass. After the live feed ends, you'll be able to watch Mass later, as well as browse our other videos!
Here is the direct link to our YouTube channel if you want to bookmark it.
Get notifications!
You can "subscribe" to St. Jude Catholic Church's YouTube channel and get notifications when we go live or post a new video. Download the YouTube app on your mobile device and subscribe!