Events Around the Parish
Stay up to date by following us on social media or check out the parish calendar!
Spend Time with the Lord
We are in need of a second adorer for Monday at 1:00pm to 2:00pm and 3:00pm to 4:00pm. We also need a second adorer for Wednesday at 3:00pm to 4:00pm as well as 5:00pm to 6:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
Deepen your faith this Lent by spending time with our Lord.
Looking for a way to deepen your prayer life during Lent? Consider signing up for an hour of adoration? We have adoration on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am to 9:00pm and on Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
We are in need of a second adorer for Monday at 1:00pm to 2:00pm and 3:00pm to 4:00pm. We also need a second adorer for Wednesday at 3:00pm to 4:00pm as well as 5:00pm to 6:00pm and 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
If you are interested in signing up for one of these hours or any other time or if you wish to be a sub, please contact Maria Marstall at or (309) 838-9323.
Be Marsha's Match
In 2016, Marsha Krone, a St. Jude Catholic Church parishioner and St. Jude Catholic School pre-K teacher, was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer. Despite millions of donors being listed on the bone marrow registry, Marsha has yet to find her match.
You could save a life! Join the National Bone Marrow Registry. It takes just a cheek swab to join.
In 2016, Marsha Krone, a St. Jude Catholic Church parishioner and St. Jude Catholic School pre-K teacher, was diagnosed with a rare form of bone marrow cancer. Despite millions of donors being listed on the bone marrow registry, Marsha has yet to find her match.
In fact, she was informed she has less than a 1% change of ever finding a perfect match.
Please sign-up to be a bone marrow donor. Your donation may just be the "match" Marsha needs. Donors ages 18 to 44 years old in general good health are critically needed.
Can attend the event? Join BE THE MATCH online at Use promo code MARSHASMATCH.
Click here fo the flyer about the event.
Here are the event details...
- When: Saturday, March 10th during the Red Cross Blood Drive
- Time: 7:30am to 12:30pm
- Where: St. Jude Parish, Hettinger Hall, 10811 N. Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61615.
Please attend!
Many thanks to the Technology Ministry's sponsor, Lagron-Miller, and their funds used to promote this social media post!
Happy Hour Lecture Event with Fr. Tony Dittmer
All adults of the parish are invited to a Happy Hour lecture event on Wednesday, February 28th at 7 p.m. in Hettinger Hall. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for fun, fellowship, and an inspiring talk. You don’t want to miss this as Fr. Dittmer is as about as dynamic as they come!
Join us!
Happy Hour with Fr. Tony Dittmer
- Igniting Faith in Our Families
All adults of the parish are invited to a Happy Hour lecture event on Wednesday, February 28th at 7 p.m. in Hettinger Hall. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for fun, fellowship, and an inspiring talk. You don’t want to miss this as Fr. Dittmer is as about as dynamic as they come!
Questions? Contact Drew Isbell at 243-7811 Ext. 2212.
40 Ideas for the 40 Days of Lent
FORTY things to Consider doing for LENT to grow in your intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity.
Fr. Bolek has given us some ideas of things we can do for the 40 Days of Lent.
FORTY things to Consider doing for LENT to grow in your intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity.
- Cut media consumption to open time for prayer, service, and personal relationship with others. Start and end each day free from the influence of the media. Fewer pixels more people.
- Use at least some of your drive time in the car to listen to Catholic radio, talks or audio books, instead of news, sports, and music.
- Make an extensive examination of conscience, and plan to get to confession before Easter.
- Cut back purchases of luxuries, and give the saved money to the needy.
- Commit to a daily time of quiet prayer; don’t do all the talking. Listen to God.
- Make a list of things you are grateful for; review and add to it every day.
- Find a form of Lenten fast appropriate for you given your age, health, and state of life.
- Get to daily Mass as often as possible, even if it is just one extra Mass a week.
- Learn the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Identify one to begin incorporating into your life this Lent.
- Watch Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” during Lent or Holy Week, and invite someone to watch it with you.
- Read a portion of scripture every day.
- Spiritually adopt someone preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter praying for him or her throughout Lent.
- Spend some time each week in Eucharistic Adoration.
- Visit an adoration chapel for some moments of silent prayer. Better yet, commit to a weekly hour in the chapel.
- Attend a Parish Mission or Lenten Retreat; invite others to join you.
- Instead of secular videos for weekend entertainment, try some videos that will enrich your spiritual life.
- Recite the “Our Father” everyday slowly and thoughtfully; expand to three times per day.
- Forgive those who have offended you or your loved ones. Pray for the person who’s been the most hurtful or annoying.
- Make it a habit of looking people in the eye and saying, “God bless you.”
- Develop your relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary: the rosary, novena, scapular, medal, pilgrimages, devotional prayers, consecrations etc.
- Wake up on time at the same time without using snooze.
- Invite someone who doesn’t regularly attend Holy Mass to come to church with you.
- Reach out to the least important, least popular, most ignored person at school, home, or work.
- Read or listen to a biography of a saint.
- Begin/widen the practice of praying the rosary.
- Make it a daily practice to pray for Holy Father’s intentions which are truly universal. And also, for at least one particular need beyond the frontiers of your native land.
- Make the Stations of the Cross either alone, or better yet, with others.
- Visit someone lonely in the neighborhood, in the hospital, in a nursing home, or in prison.
- Commit to making an examination of conscience each night before bed.
- Prayerfully consider making a pilgrimage.
- Before work, chores or study, make a conscience decision to offer up whatever you are doing in love of God and in loving intercession for some person or special need.
- Pray regularly for those whose rights and dignity are trampled, and for those responsible for their pain. Look for a way to help.
- Invite someone to join you for Easter Sunday Mass; offer to pick them up & drive them home.
- Look for opportunities to volunteer for the least desirable jobs, and serve those who are least worthy, and least grateful.
- Find out what the Sign of the Cross really means, and begin making it in a less mechanical way, several times per day.
- Write three thank you letters to people who have made an impact upon your life.
- Spend time talking to God out loud: Adoring Him, asking for Forgiveness, thanking Him and asking Him for the things you and our world need.
- Go to Mass on Holy Thursday, spend time in adoration that evening as well.
- On Good Friday, go to the Passion Service and open up some time as media-free time of silence and prayer.
- Go to the Easter Vigil. If you can’t, read the seven readings that are part of the Vigil and reflect upon them.
Knights of Columbus Fish Frys
Be sure to grab dinner at the Knights of Columbus fish frys on Fridays during Lent at St. Jude. Carry outs available.
Be sure to grab dinner at the Knights of Columbus fish frys on Fridays during Lent at St. Jude.
Click here for the downloadable flyer.
Stewardship Weekend
Here is the full list of ministries you can get involved with. We should all pray about ways we can give our time, talent, and treasure.
Did you know it's Stewardship Weekend at St. Jude?
Here is the full list of ministries you can get involved with. We should all pray about ways we can give our time, talent, and treasure.
Click here for a full list of ministries.
Click here for the EFT form.
Join the St. Jude Mom's Group-Guest Speaker Fr. Bolek
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
St. Jude Mom's Group
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
Make each first Wednesday a monthly morning retreat – join us for daily mass at 8:30am
and stay for the Mom’s Group speaker & discussion from 9:15 to 11:00am. What a great way to treat yourself and grow in faith! The group meets in the Old Social Hall. These mornings are a chance for moms to come together for fellowship, faith enrichment, and fun!
There is optional childcare. See the brochure for details and more information.
The February 7, 2018 guest speaker is Fr. Bolek.
Ash Wednesday is February 14th this year. Join the Mom’s Group the Wednesday before to hear an inspiring and encouraging talk by our very own Fr. Bolek to truly enter into the Lenten Season.
For more information, click here for the brochure or email
Can't Decide If You Want to Attend the Gala?
Here's a taste of the great performance you'll see at this year's St. Jude Fire and Ice Gala! Mike, along with one of his associates, will be playing the event.
Meet Felix & Fingers' Mike Potts
Here's a taste of the great performance you'll see at this year's St. Jude Fire and Ice Gala! Mike, along with one of his associates, will be playing the event on Saturday, February 24, 2018.
And don't worry....We've got interesting, fun, and SURPRISING ways we'll be using these amazing musicians at the event. Be sure to attend and be sure to start thinking of a song you'll want to request.
Get your tickets
Click here to order your tickets to the event.
LOTW Retreat, March 16 to 19
Don't miss out! St. Patrick's Day weekend, March 16th to 19th will be our Light of the World Retreat here at St. Jude! St. Patrick is a saint. That means he wants you to celebrate that and is praying you might take the chance this weekend and dive deeper with our Lord!
Register for the Light of the World Retreat at St. Jude.
Don't miss out! St. Patrick's Day weekend, March 16th to 19th will be our Light of the World Retreat here at St. Jude! St. Patrick is a saint. That means he wants you to celebrate that and is praying you might take the chance this weekend and dive deeper with our Lord!
The retreat will be held in Hettinger hall and will feature speakers, times for prayer and adoration, small group discussions, and of course, incredible food! We all need time away to just be. Let this be the weekend you choose to do so.
Retreat times
- Friday: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Saturday: 8:00am to 8:00pm
- Sunday: 8:00am to 8:00pm
- Monday: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Register online at
For questions email our Director of Evangelization, Drew Isbell, at or call 309-243-7811 ext. 2212
Hit up the Book Fair for the Young Folks in Your Life
The event is January 27 and 28, after all weekend Masses. You can find books for the young people in your life, and your purchase builds our school and classroom libraries!
Next weekend is the St. Jude Catholic School's annual Scholastic Book Fair after all Masses.
The event is January 27 and 28, after all weekend Masses. You can find books for the young people in your life, and your purchase builds our school and classroom libraries!
Pennies for Life
The annual "Pennies for Life" collection will be taken up after all masses next weekend, January 20/21. This collection benefits the Family Resource Center, located at 415 NE Monroe Street, Peoria. The Family Resources Center offers thousands of educational and entertaining programs...
Help Support Pennies for Life in Peoria!
The annual "Pennies for Life" collection will be taken up after all masses next weekend, January 20/21. This collection benefits the Family Resource Center, located at 415 NE Monroe Street, Peoria. The Family Resources Center offers thousands of educational and entertaining programs that deal with respect for God’s most precious gifts of life and family. These audio/visuals and books are available on free loan to the community and more are being added to the library daily. In addition, the FRC offers referrals for: free pregnancy tests and services to pregnant distressed women, teen-age chastity programs, natural family planning, and post abortion counseling. Your generous donation helps us to provide these resources free of charge.
Thanks for your support!
Are you ready for the Red Carpet?
Mark your calendars for the upcoming St. Jude Fire and Ice Gala on the Red Carpet! The event will be Saturday, February 24th, 2018, and will be one to remember with dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions...and of course, some surprises!
Red Carpet is the theme of the 2018 St. Jude Fire and Ice Gala.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming St. Jude Fire and Ice Gala on the Red Carpet! The event will be Saturday, February 24th, 2018, and will be one to remember with dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions...and of course, some surprises!
Get your tickets now!
Click here to purchase your tickets to this event now.
Invitations are coming to your mailbox this week, but if you can't wait that long, check them out below!
St. Jude Spaghetti Dinner
Join us for everyone’s favorite Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, January 28 from 12:30 to 5:00pm!
Join us for everyone’s favorite Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, January 28 from 12:30 to 5:00pm!
Advance tickets will go on sale January 13-14 for $10/adult, $5/child, or $27/family (2 adults max.) We accept cash, check, and credit.
There will be entertainment, a raffle, and bread ($1) and sauce ($5) on sale, as well!
Send Fr. Bolek an Email, He Wants to Hear From You
During Fr. Bolek's homilies this weekend, he talked about his encounter with Jesus Christ over Christmas. What was your encounter with Christ over Christmas?
Share Your Christmas Encounter With Christ
During Fr. Bolek's homilies this weekend, he talked about his encounter with Jesus Christ over Christmas. What was your encounter with Christ over Christmas?
He wants to hear from you! Send him an email and let him know how you encountered Christ this Christmas. Seriously! He said he wants to get "1000 emails" this week. Also, share your encounter with others when you see them or via your social media accounts.
You can find Fr. Bolek's email address here.
January 7, 2018 Mass
If you missed his homily this weekend, you can watch it below.
Join the St. Jude Mom's Group-Guest Speaker Molly Best
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
St. Jude Mom's Group
The St. Jude Mom’s Group works to support women in their vocation as Christian mothers through faith enrichment and fellowship opportunities that offer encouragement for daily living.
Make each first Wednesday a monthly morning retreat – join us for daily mass at 8:30am
and stay for the Mom’s Group speaker & discussion from 9:15 to 11:00am. What a great way to treat yourself and grow in faith! The group meets in the Old Social Hall. These mornings are a chance for moms to come together for fellowship, faith enrichment, and fun!
There is optional childcare. See the brochure for details and more information.
The January 10, 2018 guest speaker is Molly Best.
Feeling a little weighted down from all the yummy food over the holidays but don’t know where to find the time to work out? Come hear Molly speak on fitness and even demonstrate ways to get moving. Molly is a stay at home mom for five (5) growing children! She is a certified kickboxing instructor at Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping. Molly and another mom started Woman of Strength, an early morning workout group at St. Phils, to encourage other women from our community to get moving and keep moving!!
For more information, click here for the brochure or email
Join Financial Peace University
Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. And now you can experience this life-changing class at St. Jude. Classes begin on Wednesday, January 17 at 6 p.m. The class will meet every week...
Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson, money-management class taught by America's most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey.
Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more. And now you can experience this life-changing class at St. Jude. Classes begin on Wednesday, January 17 at 6 p.m. The class will meet every week for nine weeks except the week of February 4. You can sign up today and order your FPU class materials here:
Lesson order
- Week 1 - Super Saving
- Week 2 - Relating with Money
- Week 3 - Cash Flow Planning
- Week 4 - Dumping Debt
- Week 5 - Buyer Beware
- Week 6 - The Role of Insurance
- Week 7 - Retirement and College Planninng
- Week 8 - Real Estate and Mortgages
- Week 9 - The Great Misunderstanding
Donate and Earn a Tax Credit
Did you know you can donate to scholarships for Catholic education and also get a tax credit? See the attached flyer for more details! There's still time left to improve your tax position for 2017.
Did you know you can donate to scholarships for Catholic education and also get a tax credit?
See the attached flyer for more details! There's still time left to improve your tax position for 2017.
Ask Father, Part 3 of 3
The basics of prayer are simple. Throughout the ages, all kinds of people have learned how to pray. Why not you, too “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy” (St. Therese of Lisieux). If you recognize your own thinking in any of those myths about prayer, examine the problem directly. You own it to yourself to come to terms with it!
Here's our final note from Fr. Bolek on...prayer.
Father, I am too busy to pray, what can I do?
I’ve tried learning how to pray, but I just don’t ‘get it.’ It’s too hard.
Truth: A prayer life is essential to the Christian life.
Prayer is “a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (Catechism, 2558). Without prayer, your faith will die (CCC 2744).
Truth: Prayer is compatible with everyday life. You do need a small amount of quiet time each day to learn how to pray. But it’s not difficult – just 5 or 10 minutes to start is fine. You will also make prayer a part of the fabric of everyday life. You can find God in all the normal tasks of daily life. Seek him there! “It is possible to offer fervent prayer even while walking in public or strolling alone, or seated in a shop, while buying or selling, … or even while cooking” (St. John Chrysostom).
Truth: Even the smallest faith will blossom through prayer.
Here’s a secret: as with faith itself, God does all the hard work! We get the easy part. Our part is learning how to pray, and then praying every day. St. Paul tells us, “The Spirit helps us in our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes with sighs too deep for words” (Rom 8:26). The Catechism says: “The Holy Spirit, the artisan of God’s works, is the master of prayer” (CCC 741).
Truth: Learning how to pray is simple.
The basics of prayer are simple. Throughout the ages, all kinds of people have learned how to pray. Why not you, too? “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy” (St. Therese of Lisieux). If you recognize your own thinking in any of those myths about prayer, examine the problem directly. You own it to yourself to come to terms with it!
Just do it!
Enter into a conversation with God; when the church for Adoration you will find even more opportunities to pray and be silent. Do not be afraid or negative, you can do it! God longs for you to respond by being like Mary and saying “YES!”
Ask Father, Part 2 of 3
We are all called to a personal relationship with Jesus, Our Savior, in the Blessed Sacrament. Without coming before Him in quiet moments of prayer, we are not living our Catholic Faith to the full. It’s by taking time out of our busy schedules to be with Him in the Blessed Sacrament that this relationship with Our Lord begins to increase, grow and blossom. If a husband and wife do not take time out to speak...
Here's part 2 of 3 from Fr. Bolek on the topic of Adoration and taking a Holy Hour with our Lord.
Father, why are we having so much Adoration at St. Jude?
First some practical reasons...
The more hours of adoration available, the more people will come. Jesus said, “Could you not watch one hour with Me?” The more we expand the hours, the more we extend the opportunity. When adoration is available more often, then more people from the parish can participate, because everyone thinks “well, definitely, I can find at least one hour once a week to go to be with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” We cannot keep the parish doors unlocked through the night due to safety, but we live in a parish that stays unlocked most days until 9pm, the more we can get people into the church to be with Jesus, the greater impact we can have on our society. Having dedicated times and days for adoring our Lord safe, secure and convenient.
Next a more personal reason...
We are all called to a personal relationship with Jesus, Our Savior, in the Blessed Sacrament. Without coming before Him in quiet moments of prayer, we are not living our Catholic Faith to the full. It’s by taking time out of our busy schedules to be with Him in the Blessed Sacrament that this relationship with Our Lord begins to increase, grow and blossom. If a husband and wife do not take time out to speak, to bond, to be together, that relationship is going to diminish. If they do take time out to be together it’s a sign that they value each other’s company, it’s a sign that their relationship, their friendship, their bond means so much to them. The richer our personal relationship with Jesus is, then the more capacity we have to love each other and to be merciful and compassionate. It’s in going before the Blessed Sacrament that we take on His attributes, His qualities, whereby in seeing ourselves so much loved by Him, it gives us the capacity to love each other.
Another reason is for the grace of the fruit Adoration will bear...
Archbishop Fulton Sheen made a Holy Hour once a day, Pope John Paul II made two Holy Hours every day, and St. Teresa Calcutta made three Holy Hours in the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, every single day. We see the fruitfulness of their lives and in the way they were able to serve others. Their example serves us as a model, that our lives will also be fruitful, when we unite ourselves to the vine, Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. More Adoration will make our parish even more fruitful and amazing!
Another practical reason, Adoration builds community in our parish and in the Universal Church...
The Lord calls us to build community and a civilization of love. Adoration builds that necessary community. The Eucharist is the Sacrament of unity, Jesus unifying His people. Today a growing number of people feel alienated from the Church. They feel lost among the multitudes. Adoration helps those people feel more personally involved with Christ, His Church and the People of God. Through the intimacy of quiet prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, one experiences the personal love of the Savior. Through this personal love, one is more able to grasp the reality that they are one with the whole Body of Christ-we are one!
We cannot forget that the Eucharist is the best Evangelizer...
Through this weekly act of prayer, we give witness to our belief that God is truly dwelling with His people. Adoration is making the Good Shepherd available to His people with the constant miracles of His grace and love. Being with God in prayer changes us and fills us with joy and love, this then compels us to share that Joy and Love with others. Worship of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament will make us unable to keep silent!
Of course, our knowledge of the Lord will grow...
When two people fall in love the desire of their heart is to be together as often as possible, sometimes too often. Why, they wish to learn about each other and that can only truly be done when they are in each other’s presence. As young love shows us, we must spend time with our Beloved to learn from Him. Adoration increases an individual’s knowledge of our Lord. While in Adoration many people take time to read books, literature and above all the Living Word of God-the Bible.
Ask Father, Part 1 of 3
There can be fear and anxiety about committing to an hour because an hour of silence seems long, especially within those who are not used to spending regular quiet time in prayer. What am I supposed to do in that hour? The following suggestions, I have adapted from a publication on how one may go about “arranging” one’s Holy Hour. Please note that all of this is just a suggestion. Some people might have their own methods or styles; this is fine. The point is to enter into communion with God.
Ask Father?
Fr. Bolek has provided some articles that may help answer some common questions on Adoration and Advent. Check out part 1 of this 3 part series.
We now have 3 days of Adoration, and you are asking me to take one hour of my week to spend it in silent prayer with Jesus. What do I do for an entire hour of prayer in the Chapel?
For information on Adoration at St Jude, click here.
How do I make a Holy Hour?
God spoke to his people through Moses saying, “Be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy” (Lev 19:2). So, how can we grow in holiness? Pope St Paul VI said, that “The most efficacious way of growing in holiness is time spent with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.” Time spent with Jesus in prayer, in silence is the best way to grow in union with God.
There can be fear and anxiety about committing to an hour because an hour of silence seems long, especially within those who are not used to spending regular quiet time in prayer. What am I supposed to do in that hour? The following suggestions, I have adapted from a publication on how one may go about “arranging” one’s Holy Hour. Please note that all of this is just a suggestion. Some people might have their own methods or styles; this is fine. The point is to enter into communion with God.
The first suggestion is: DIVIDE THE HOLY HOUR into four 15 minute periods. This make the hour manageable. Then you can spend 15 minutes focusing on four different aspects of prayer/meditation. You could spend 15 minutes praying the rosary, 15 minutes meditating on the bible, 15 minutes reading a spiritual book, and 15 minutes offering petitions or words of gratitude. The options are endless. Here is a more formal way to break down the four 15 minute sections.
For that first 15 minute period
Dedicate it to a REALIZATION OF WHO IS PRESENT in the Holy Eucharist (aka Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament). Think of the marvel of this great reality: Christ, the God-Man, is truly present in his divinity as well as his humanity, body and soul. Even substantially present: not just the presence of God but the presence of God as the God-Man via the substance of bread and wine changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Think of it until there is in your soul a response of wonder (“is it possible?” “How can that be?” and yet “it is true”) and admiration (how wonderful: Jesus is really, truly present here!). Make use of some familiar prayers and songs of adoration usually found in any church missalette to reflect more deeply on that presence, such as “Down in Adoration Falling,” “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name,” “Holy, Holy, Holy” of the Mass, “Now Praise We All Our God,” or any Benediction hymn. Read the words slowly, with great and deep understanding, making them express the sentiments of your own heart.
For the second 15 minutes
Devote the time to thoughts and prayers of THANKSGIVING to God as you grasp the wonder of who is present Really: God is with us-Emmanuel. Momentarily give some fresh thought to the fact: God is with us in this special, most remarkable way. Now let words of thanksgiving rise up in your soul, or just simply give thanks to God for his presence here in such a remarkable way. Thank God for the great Sacrament of the Priesthood and for vocations by which he perpetuates his presence in the Holy Eucharist. In a parallel situation think of our Blessed Mother’s joy when she realized that Christ, the great Messiah, was present within her, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Realize how the same Jesus who was present there in Mary’s body is now here hidden under the appearance of bread. You might also take some time to recall and thank God for other special blessings and wonders of God: your family, vocation, gift of life, opportunity to be in his Presence, special friends, etc. Thank him for his love for you, for his unfailing help in trials and difficulties.
For the next 15 minutes
Dedicate this to PETITION. First of all, ask Jesus here present in the Holy Eucharist for the grace that is dearest to him, the grace he wants most for you and others: the great blessing of redemption and eternal salvation. Just think, for some time what that means for you, for each member of your family, your friends, people of your neighborhood and parish, for all mankind. Think of how marvelous that would be if all would be so blessed: to be in heaven for all eternity! Pray for that! Beg for it: the fulfillment of Christ’s greatest desire and the main reason for his coming, for which he is present here – “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I will refresh you” (Mt 11:28). Pray for conversions. Pray for particular people, those who are away from the Church and the Sacraments. Pray for the sick and lonely, the discouraged, our youth, the unborn, our country, its leaders. Pray for our Holy Father, and for all priests and religious... Pray for vocations to complete the work of Christ. Pray for the grace to know the will of God always in your own life. Pray for peace, God’s peace in the hearts of all.
The Last 15 minutes
Dedicate the last 15 minutes of the Holy Hour to ATONEMENT. Why atonement? A look into one’s own conscience and the conscience of the world gives the answer. A mere glance at headlines and you see insults, blasphemies, defiance thrown by man into the face of God, the injuries of man to man. Think of the sins of injustice that cry to heaven for vengeance, the sins against life, the slurs and insults against the virginity and Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother, the sins of disregard, of refusal to recognize and obey the Holy Father, Christ’s own spokesman and Vicar on earth. You might wish to express your thoughts of sorrow for all these sins. You may do so in your own words or make use of the liturgical words of the “Lord, have mercy,” the “Lamb of God” or the hymn “O Lord, I am not worthy.” You might pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Litanies of the Sacred Heart or of the Holy Name of Jesus. Also, most appropriate is the Litany of our Blessed Mother, asking her under all her titles of honor and power to “pray for all of us.” The Litany of the Saints and the Prayer to Saint Michael could be expressive of the hopes in your heart. A slow, thoughtful saying of the Rosary would be very helpful during any phase of a Holy Hour. With our Blessed Mother and with Christ present there before you in the Holy Eucharist, recall and consider those events in his life. Ponder all those things in your heart as you ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us.